moms connectionMoms Connection

Are you expecting a baby or a mom of an infant or pre-school/kindergarten aged child? Are you looking for a place to connect with other women like you?
We have a place for you!

More about Moms Connection

Does your child throw tantrums at the grocery store? Do you secretly wish for a dryer that folds and puts all that laundry away? Do you beg your kids to eat more than goldfish and chicken nuggets? You’re not alone!

Moms Connection is just the place for you – We’re all moms seeking to grow in our relationships with God, our husbands, and with our kids. And we’re all normal, sometimes sleep-deprived, and experiencing the same things.

I’ve been blessed by Moms Connection since 2011 and gained valuable insight as well as precious friendships. It’s always time well spent, and recharges me, no matter how my day may have started.

Come for the fellowship, refreshment, and time away from mommy-duties for a couple hours, and leave encouraged and challenged!

Our scripture theme this year comes from Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

I’d like to invite all moms to join us as we grow and dwell in God this year. I look forward to meeting you.

- Jackie Barr

When we meet

We are very excited to announce that Moms Connection is growing and we want to include more and more of you moms. So, we are now offering two different meeting times! Join us 2nd and 4th Mondays* at 9:15 am or 11:15 am. (We offer the same program each session).

*We follow the MISD Calendar

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Fall semester registration

$80 for the year.
(That's only $5.71 per session. And yes... this includes childcare! What a deal!)

Register for the 9:15 am sessions - Wow! This session is already full
Register for the 11:15 am sessions

We welcome new members throughout the year.

If you have any questions – please contact Jackie Barr at

We never want finances to keep a woman from attending Moms Connection – if you need assistance, please contact Jackie to discuss/register.

What are the sessions like?

Moms Connection begins after your drop-off of children ages 0-5 to their age-appropriate class. Here they will enjoy their own program under the supervision of the Promiseland childcare workers.

Moms Connection moms then meet in Room 201 where we will sit in small groups (each mom is assigned to a small group of about 8-10 women, complete with a table leader to oversee the needs of the group). There will be a Mentor Mom at each table to provide encouragement and one-on-one support when needed.

Meetings begin with a short prayer followed by a potluck hot breakfast (small groups take turns bringing food). Welcome, greetings and announcements come next.

Then an invited speaker will share on topics related to marriage, parenting and spiritual growth.

Special Events

Special events outside the regular Moms Connection sessions are put together either as a small group event or an overall Moms Connection group event. Examples of these activities are: Play dates at the park, moms night out, family night out, craft nights, and couples date nights.


Volunteers provide the backbone to a successful Moms Connection season. Every season, motivated moms step up to become leaders in the ministry. We are dedicated both behind and in front of the scenes to make Moms Connection a fun, supportive and rewarding experience for everyone!



Time Commitment

Mentor Mom (MM)

Mentor young moms and support them emotionally, Pray for moms and assist DGL at a specified table, attend leadership meetings

Every Monday we meet (8:45-end of meeting), flexible to attend some of the outside events, playdates, occasionally call moms and DGL

Discussion Group Leader (DGL)

Lead a table of 6-8 moms, discuss sessions, help foster relationships, prayer for ladies at table and update Prayer Team of requests, attend leadership meetings, help set up tables in morning, help promote publicity of Moms Connection and invite others

Every Monday we meet (8:45-end of meeting), flexible for attending playdates, organizing get togethers, keep up with email and contacting group members

Hospitality Team

Greet and assist with directing newcomers, and helping take food arrivals upstairs

Arrive early to meetings

Prayer Team

Lift up ministry, speakers, and concerns of moms, receive emails for concerns from DGL’s and pray over them

Flexible, or maybe meet during meetings on campus, or off Mondays we don’t meet, possibly call other team members to pray together

Event Planning Team

Plan and promote moms’ events like Moms Night out, family events


Copy Maker

Make copies in church office prior to meetings

Flexible, as long as church is open you can use their machine

Tech helper

Turn on and off camera equipment, assist Church tech person

Arrive early for meetings and stay till end

Service Coordinator

Reach out and contact facility/service project for donations and needs

Flexible, phone calls, emails, updating the group for needs, possibly delivering donations

Promotions Team

Drop Moms Connection cards at appropriate local businesses to promote ministry, seek door prizes from local businesses, help volunteer at ministry table during Church ministry fair, etc

Flexible, at leisure during the summer, prior to Moms Connections September start date

Questions? Contact Jackie Barr at














